Monday, 23 June 2014


I've done it!!!! It's been the hardest thing I've ever done but strangely one of the most enjoyable.
I've met some real characters this weekend and it was great to be amongst others who don't think running is some sort of mental ailment.
Some people have said that "the wall" is  an expensive event and perhaps it is but I found it well organised for the most part and despite the heat on day one really enjoyable.
I wouldn't have done this without firstly the support of my wife, who has made me eat the right stuff and enough of it and also say you're doing to much or "are you not running today"
Also thanks to all who have offered advice/encouragement including Curly, Stu and Gaynor who said
"after the first day eat plenty eat some more rest well get up and do it again, simple"
Big cheers to "Dougie Express" for the last five or so miles and an epic finish (and the cider)
I would recommend this to anyone but put in the training and enjoy it!

Friday, 20 June 2014


Have registered, dumped my tent and bag, stuffed my face with pasta and got my race pack and gear ready. If I haven't trained enough or forgotton something it's to late now!
I leave Carlisle castle at 8 in the morning on the most crazy/ idiotic mission I've ever let me talk myself into. Big thanks to all who've sponsored me offered advice ect.
Hope I don't let you all down.

Sunday, 8 June 2014


Decided yesterday to run 16 miles have a wee break for a sandwich and a bag of crisps then run another 16 miles as a sort of simulation of day one.
Sound's simple enough, but I went out too fast on the first lap leaving me sapped for energy on the second and it lashed down all morning.
I still managed 33 miles in 4hrs 50 (not including time stopped to eat) so it wasn't all bad but do seem to have had my first encounter with shin splints.
Been a bit of a learning curve this weekend but the legs coped well.
Off road running only until the big day I think!

Tuesday, 3 June 2014


Tent sorted, self inflating mattress sorted,charger for GPS and phone sorted and I've sent my shirts and pack cover to get printed with my sponsors logos!
This weekend i'm gonna run 15 miles have a short break to simulate the first food station stop then run another 15 miles and that will give me an idea of the first day.

Friday, 23 May 2014

Less than 4 weeks to go and, starting to panick a bit now. Have got some sponsors together and need to get a couple of shirts and my backpack cover printed up with their logo's.
Could also do with some way of charging my GPS/phone, solar panel mebee?
Also need to sort a tent to crash in, and are recovery tights a good idea for this?
Any comments- help gratefully received, and thanks to everyone who has sponsored me so far.

Sunday, 11 May 2014


Went out recovery crewing on the Pirelli rally last weekend. The trip to keilder forest meant driving alongside Hadrians wall for a distance, seeing some of the terrain has made me make an effort to get off road a lot more! Thanks to everyone who's sponsored me so far, really helps push me on!

Monday, 28 April 2014


Went out on Saturday on a 24 mile run and had to walk the last 2 miles home, my go had gone. Think it's what runners mean when they talk about "the bonk" or having "bonked"  i just ran out of energy and felt knackered. Think I might vary the training this week and do a little strength work in the Gym.
Thanks to any one whose sponsored me,

Tuesday, 22 April 2014


Have got my face in the paper this week so I'm hoping for some sponsors/ tips from other runners,  all advice, tip's even just encouragement is greatfully received. Not long to go now so don't let me start slacking now!

Sunday, 13 April 2014


Have ran 48.80 miles this week after making up a new route home from Carlisle (24 miles) i ran back by todhills,westlinton long town and Gretna. Might have to think up a different route though as the A7 long town to Gretna is a fast road and there isn't always a pavement to run on.
Ran my recovery run today after watching Mo come 8th in the marathon a great result for his first, only wish I was half as fast!

Sunday, 6 April 2014


Ran 46.11 miles this week, have been running instead of going to the gym and really feel better for it, if I had more time I'd do both but I much prefer gettin out on the road.
Plugged my watch into the laptop and made a new 10 1/2 mile route as I was getting board. New route was ok but a bit hilly!
Have also decided to try and raise money for cancer research UK, my misses has set up a just giving page-
Please chuck some penny's in this general direction the more folk do the less likely I am to give up!

Sunday, 30 March 2014


Took all of last week off after realising I haven't really stopped since November.
Went back to it on Saturday but struggled around the 15 mile mark, went better today though ran my old 7 1/2 mile route in 53 mins 20, that's faster than I've ever ran it with an average of 8.20 mph, not fast compared to proper runners but fast for me!
It felt good to run a shorter run and feel like I could push a bit more.
Hopefully my 20 mile routes will become easier over the coming weeks cause I'll have to increase my mileage as the big day gets closer.

Sunday, 23 March 2014


Plans for a big week running wise fell flat today legs aching I just struggled for motivation today.
I had run a couple of 8 milers before work Monday and Wednesday and an hour in the gym Friday.
Saturday morning I ran out of Carlisle via Rickerby park and Brampton road that will form part of the  
route out on race day and home by Rockcliffe and Gretna. So I've managed 20 and a half miles yesterday but it wasn't happening today, time for a wee bit R&R maybee?

Wednesday, 19 March 2014


Have swapped the gym for pre-work running this week, should be a 46 mile week!

Sunday, 16 March 2014


Ran 20 miles round Carlisle and home yesterday with the backpack and all the kit in it.
Didn't go to bad as you don't really notice the weight till you stop and take it off. I couldn't get the ten miles in today cause I had to work but will get 8 in with the pack before work tomorrow, must remember to pack soft stuff at the bottom of the pack so it doesn't bother my lower back as I run!

Thursday, 13 March 2014


My backpack has arrived from Ratrace, so I'll fill it with the mandatory kit and give it a road test at the weekend!

Sunday, 9 March 2014


Done another 30 mile weekend, the 20 took 2hrs39 mins and the 10 1hr 23 so faster on both runs than last weekend and no blisters! Managed to get some of the required kit bought for the run inc first aid kit dressings ect. Have also ordered a back pack, gone for a smaller one (14ltr) in the hope that it'll be light but big enough to get everything in.

Sunday, 2 March 2014


Managed 20miles yesterday and 10 today,feeling well chuffed if a little tired. Used Vaseline on my heels and didn't suffer any blisters. Also went back to my old ride5 trainers which are a bit more cushioned maybe this is the way forward? Allegedly spring is here, so I need to get (and start training with) the backpack first aid kit and other required kit for the big day.

Sunday, 23 February 2014


Went out in the wind and rain earlier, it was so wild I'm sure it took 10 minutes to cross the Dumfries
By- pass only to get battered by the wind off the sollway all the way through Eastriggs to Annan. Still managed 19 and a half miles in 2hrs 41 need something to stop blisters!

Saturday, 15 February 2014


Decided to run on and off road today, so I ran the six miles to Ecclefechan and then off road round the Brown moor until I'd clocked up fourteen miles and then ran home. I say ran but this was by far the hardest training run so far and running the wall seems damn near impossible.
Maybe once the light nights come and I can get more mileage in things will come good, don't get me wrong I think the gym work is helping my fitness/core but it's more out of convenience and I think I would benifit from more running.
Maybe I need to man up and just get on with it.

Monday, 10 February 2014


Had a weekend without training, took in a bit of Motorsport and actually spent some time with the family.
Back to it this morning tho, up at half 5 and off to the gym.
Seeing as the lunges don't hurt any more I did my reps with a little weight in each hand, doesn't take much to make it hard work again!
Just to make sure I was knackered before work I put a little more speed and incline on my last run on the treadmill.
Again if anyone does read this and has any advice for running marathon+ distances please post a comment, it all helps from blister prevention, nutrition, recovery tips, i'm all ears!

Monday, 3 February 2014


Been the gym after 20 miles yesterday, took it really easy, lots of stretches and about 20 mins easy pace on the treadmill. Feel good if a little tired.

Sunday, 2 February 2014


Got up early today and ran 20 miles on the road this time, took 2hrs 43 mins which I don't think is too bad. Feel OK now but I'll have to wait and see what the legs are like on my recovery run tomorrow.

Friday, 31 January 2014


Bit of gym work this mornin, think if feel good on Sunday I might see if I can put in 20 miles.

Wednesday, 29 January 2014


Gym again this morning, lunges are not hurting so much now, must be getting somewhere.
Need core work, suggestions please.

Sunday, 26 January 2014


Gym this mornin, yawn. After getting a good soaking yesterday I wimped out and ran in the gym on the treadmill.
I ran 10k and felt really good don't know weather that's a result of running off road yesterday or not but last week I ran 16 miles on road on the Sunday then 7miles on Monday before work was a struggle.


Been out this morning and ran 14 miles round the Brownmoor wood at Ecclefechan, in the rain.
Was really muddy and more than once questioned my sanity, why was I running up this wet muddy hill when I could just as easy be lying in my nice warm bed.
On the plus side its far more enjoyable than running on the road in the rain and my new trainers are ace, thanks and free plug to all at Chivers Sports.

Friday, 24 January 2014


Hullo, I'm Neil and I'm gonna run the wall, all though you'll notice the question mark in my blogger name just in case I don't make it.
I'm a bit of an amateur having started running in 2011 doing the Cumbrian run half marathon, I then got into trail running doing the cross bay half marathon and the Karrimor great trail challenge marathon.
Since then I've been running the Lakeland trails series in the challenge events rather than the races.
Any way seeing as I survived marathon distance I'm gonna give this RatRace organised event a go (entered the 2 day challenge) running 33 miles on day one and 36 on day two.
At the mo I mix my training running on and off road with some gym work, usually a big run at the weekend hopefully increasing the mile age as I train.
Now the "big run" is up to 16 miles so that's the first half of the first day sorted, long way to go yet!
If any one does read this and you have any tips about running my first ultra or you know any one that does please let me know!