Sunday, 30 March 2014


Took all of last week off after realising I haven't really stopped since November.
Went back to it on Saturday but struggled around the 15 mile mark, went better today though ran my old 7 1/2 mile route in 53 mins 20, that's faster than I've ever ran it with an average of 8.20 mph, not fast compared to proper runners but fast for me!
It felt good to run a shorter run and feel like I could push a bit more.
Hopefully my 20 mile routes will become easier over the coming weeks cause I'll have to increase my mileage as the big day gets closer.

Sunday, 23 March 2014


Plans for a big week running wise fell flat today legs aching I just struggled for motivation today.
I had run a couple of 8 milers before work Monday and Wednesday and an hour in the gym Friday.
Saturday morning I ran out of Carlisle via Rickerby park and Brampton road that will form part of the  
route out on race day and home by Rockcliffe and Gretna. So I've managed 20 and a half miles yesterday but it wasn't happening today, time for a wee bit R&R maybee?

Wednesday, 19 March 2014


Have swapped the gym for pre-work running this week, should be a 46 mile week!

Sunday, 16 March 2014


Ran 20 miles round Carlisle and home yesterday with the backpack and all the kit in it.
Didn't go to bad as you don't really notice the weight till you stop and take it off. I couldn't get the ten miles in today cause I had to work but will get 8 in with the pack before work tomorrow, must remember to pack soft stuff at the bottom of the pack so it doesn't bother my lower back as I run!

Thursday, 13 March 2014


My backpack has arrived from Ratrace, so I'll fill it with the mandatory kit and give it a road test at the weekend!

Sunday, 9 March 2014


Done another 30 mile weekend, the 20 took 2hrs39 mins and the 10 1hr 23 so faster on both runs than last weekend and no blisters! Managed to get some of the required kit bought for the run inc first aid kit dressings ect. Have also ordered a back pack, gone for a smaller one (14ltr) in the hope that it'll be light but big enough to get everything in.

Sunday, 2 March 2014


Managed 20miles yesterday and 10 today,feeling well chuffed if a little tired. Used Vaseline on my heels and didn't suffer any blisters. Also went back to my old ride5 trainers which are a bit more cushioned maybe this is the way forward? Allegedly spring is here, so I need to get (and start training with) the backpack first aid kit and other required kit for the big day.